Custom homes are distinguished by impeccable architecture and professional landscape lighting designs. Each home is characterized by a look that makes it stand out from other homes on the block. Even within recognizable forms of traditional architecture, mansions vary considerably from one another when it comes to individual look. Exterior and outside lighting systems must be highly customized in order to fulfill purpose. Specific features of the house must be showcased in their order of importance to give the structure the proper respect it deserves.
Illuminations Lighting and Design specializes in the creation of these home lighting systems for luxury mansions throughout Houston and Greater Texas.
The most significant portion of the home that must be given the most attention is its façade. As the part of the house that faces toward the street, it is the most significant feature on the entire property. In many respects, it represents the entirety of the home itself. Its vertical impact establishes preeminence, and its architectural motifs set it apart from houses of similar size. Our team studies these motifs, then positions exterior and outside lighting fixtures in locations where fields of luminance will coalesce into a unity of light that makes the home look both sublime and beautiful as it rises into the night.
The perimeter of the house is also treated with a great deal of respect. Exterior and outdoor lighting systems along the side of the house serve two major purposes. One purpose they serve is the very practical need for visibility and security. Few people that would approach the home unannounced would do so directly from the front or the back. Normally the side of the house would be considered the most vulnerable point of entry.
It is therefore necessary for our team to extend exterior and outdoor lighting a few feet to either side of the wall. This not only makes it more difficult for anyone to approach the home, but it also makes it easier for homeowners to step outside the house at night if they need to go into the yard for any reason. People viewing the home from an angle will also perceive the structure to be more balanced if their eyes can detect a visible eminent exterior and outside light emanating like an aura around the house.
Finally, due to the fact that today’s discriminating homeowner spends a great deal of time outside the house at night, the rear of the home and surrounding landscape must also be appropriately illuminated. Professional landscape design firms treat the home as the keynote landmark on the property, so all backyard hardscapes and gardens are built in a clear line of sight from the back of the home.
In some respects, lighting the rear of the home with exterior and outside lighting fixtures is similar to lighting the home façade. The difference here is that the luminance here is more subtle. The intent is not to make the home stand out as we do in the front, but rather to blend its architecture with the surrounding landscaping design.
Luxury homeowners throughout Texas, and in particular, those residing in Houston’s elite neighborhoods, are encouraged to call ILD for to request a courtesy onsite inspection of their home’s current exterior and outside tree lighting systems. Our team will inspect equipment for operability, check security lighting, and recommend any upgrades if determined appropriate, and if so agreed upon by the resident.
We are a full service design/build firm specializing in residential and commercial indoor lighting and outdoor lighting, electrical service and maintenance as well as emergency generators, surge protection systems, and lighting control systems.
Our number is 713-863-1133 and we look forward to assisting you!
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