People have always remarked that the bathroom is the one room in the house that everyone eventually visits. Perhaps this is true now more than ever before as increasing numbers of people invite guests to their home rather than going out on the town. The bathroom is not only the most visited room; it is becoming a much busier room. Homeowners are realizing that bathroom design and lighting are important components of their homes overall interior design and decorative scheme. While an individual can create a basic design with bathroom lighting fixtures purchased in stores or over the Internet, the results may turn out disappointing when the homeowner realizes after the fact that generic equipment delivers only limited function and aesthetic. For the progressive homeowner looking to invest in top quality bathroom lighting design and lighting fixtures, Illuminations Lighting and Design has both the equipment and the skill set required to develop a safe, reliable, and custom solution specific to the needs of the individual resident.
We take what we call a functional-solution minded approach to building the aesthetic of a bathroom lighting design theme. We never neglect what pleases the eye, but we always make certain to please the eye with something that serves a practical purpose. The first area we normally address is the vanity. The biggest problem created by standard bathroom fixtures is the uneven distribution of light that casts shadows over the mirror and the counter. This makes daily essentials such as shaving and putting on makeup very difficult because the lighting conditions outdoors and at work are very different from those created by standard bathroom lighting. When we install bathroom lights, we design their arrangement in such a way as to deliver good frontal lighting over the entire vanity area and eliminate annoying and distracting shadows. As electrical contractors certified in both residential and commercial wiring, Illuminations Lighting also designs and installs bathroom lighting themes and fixtures that are safe and reliable for daily use. We anticipate the needs of the client by designing outlets located in drawers for blow driers, curling irons, and other electrical appliances. This minimizes exposure to moisture and removes unsightly cords from view. When necessary, we will install GFCI protected circuits to provide a safe, wet location environment that minimizes the risk of electrocution and short circuits. This proactive measure makes our bathroom lighting designs not only more functional and aesthetically attractive, but also highly safe under a variety of operating conditions.
We can further add convenience and sophistication to bathroom lighting design by linking it to a home automation system. By linking the bathroom to a central control unit, we can remove steam and odors by incorporating quiet and efficient exhaust fans controlled by automated timers. Homeowners especially appreciate the quiet nature of our equipment and the way it seems to anticipate their every concern. By designing bathroom lighting themes with variety as well as convenience in mind, we can empower the client to choose from multiple lighting themes and set their own level of lighting for their particular needs and comfort zones. We can accomplish this with either home lighting control systems or wall box dimmer controls that adjust the light from near-dark to full brightness through rotary controls, keypads, sliding controls, or home automation systems. We can even duplicate the full color rendering of the natural spectrum by using color corrected lamps to produce full spectrum lighting conducive to selecting colors when dressing.
Before considering the costly and inconvenient endeavor of completely remodeling the bathroom, why not consider the benefits of investing in quality and innovating bathroom lighting design? With the help of Illuminations Lighting, you can expect a whole new look—and for all intents and purposes—a whole new bathroom to emerge before your eyes. Call us today at 713-863-1133 or 713-863-1133 to see how much we can do for you.
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