An excellent way to magnify the curb appeal of your property is to blend home interior lighting with landscape lighting. These two very distinctive lighting design services are often considered separate services. However, they do not have to be treated as such. In fact, considering the fact that what you call “home” actually includes your entire property, it make sense to hire Illuminations Lighting and Design to create a unified field of multi-layered light that extends throughout the entirety of your indoor and outdoor living space.
In order to accomplish this, our team has to create multiple layers of both home interior lighting and landscape lighting. These layers do several things. On the practical level, certain layers of light allow you to see and perform tasks. On the abstract level, other layers are more decorative in nature. Some are even specialty accent lights that illuminate a single feature of home architecture, home furnishing, or a landscape element that ties into the aesthetic of the home.
Multiple layers of light are only the beginning here. Next, we need to install a home lighting control system for you that will allow you to easily manipulate each layer of lighting. This manipulation can be done with entire groups of lighting fixtures. You can turn general lighting down, and accent lighting up, for example.
You can also program your system to automatically combine different layers and patterns of home interior lighting and outdoor tree lighting. And, best of all, you can control individual fixtures when so desired with the touch of a button on a hand-held remote.
Now the practical application of all this sophisticated technology comes into play when you invite a group of people to your home for an event that includes indoor and outdoor entertainment. Throughout the evening, people will be moving in and out of your house. It is very important that as they look toward the home, they get the sense that your lighting design installation is a natural part of your landscape. Since landscaping companies consider the house the foundational landscape element, we make it a point to ensure it appears that way no matter what the natural lighting conditions are.
Home interior lighting can be adjusted so precisely with a lighting control system that it makes the windows glow with a magical ambience that gives the feeling that makes the house look warm and inviting. This keeps people in the mood to go back and forth to get drinks, hors d’oeuvres, and appetizers. If you are worried that your architectural lights that are mounted on your house itself will look too bright, don’t. These too can be adjusted with your lighting control system so that your entire home eventually looks like a blend of energy, matter, and light—just like something out of Einstein’s theory.
To have such a beautiful edifice centered in the midst of your illuminated property is only the beginning. When viewed from the perspective of the inside of the house, landscape lighting looks like an extension of home interior lighting that has been projected through the windows. Again, the manipulation of different layers of light accomplished this subtle trick of the eye.
Courtyards and formal gardens look mysteriously tied to your living room through a continuous trail of multidimensional landscape lighting that ebbs and flows through vegetation, hardscapes, and pool areas. Fountains come alive with special lighting effects, and courtyards balance vegetation with superbly lit masonry that blends the manmade with the natural in a world of light.
If you are interested in learning more about the best lighting design services in Houston Texas, we invite you to contact us at 713-863-1133 in Houston. Customers outside Houston are encouraged to use our toll free number 800-863-1184 or request a consultation online. You can also follow us on Facebook!
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