Almost Anything is Possible
The word genius is far too overused for us to consider it here. Our installers are engineers who are stunningly creative, inventive, intelligent, possess a truly incredible amount of experience, and can solve virtually any problem.
These folks are so skilled that it is not too far removed from having modern day versions of Leonardo da Vinci working in your home… All right, perhaps we’ll have to relent and actually use the word “genius” after all…
We’re the Experts
Customers call us after they have tried another installer who quit halfway through the job, or refused to even begin a task because they didn’t have the skills or equipment necessary. Cleaning up someone else’s mess is certainly not our favorite thing to do, but we do love solving your problems and seeing the beaming smiles on your faces when we make everything work the way you expect it to.
We also love to receive all your testimonials about the great job that we did! It makes us feel great.
The Ideal Installation
Sometimes you get lucky, and there is a big, capacious and unused attic space above the chandelier mounting site. It might actually have flooring instead of bare joists and rafters—what a delight!
Even if the space is smaller, filled with loose insulation, overrun with spiders, and as hot as an oven, we can still pull off miracles! Any space with 3 feet of clearance is a blessing for a lift installer. There is space to maneuver; it is easy to inspect; wiring is manageable; and it is verging on pleasant!
Challenging Installs
Life isn’t always a bowl of cherries, however, and sometimes the space available is reduced to mere inches. The joy of that, however, is that lift systems are pulley-based systems. That means we can place the winch and motor drive dozens of feet away from the actual chandelier, if necessary, so we can mount the drive system safely, and have easy access if it ever requires service.
How does it work?
Operating a chandelier lift is as easy as turning a key or pushing a button. They’re specifically designed to be tamperproof, kid-proof, and extremely safe. When you begin to lower the chandelier for cleaning, or for changing old-fashioned incandescent bulbs, it automatically disconnects from the power. There is no possibility of electric shock from your fixture.
And, since the entire system is invisible, people won’t even know that it is there. This is a great way to drive your friends crazy. They will try to figure out how your chandelier, which is 18 feet off the floor, is always sparkling and pristine, while their own needs constant attention just to avoid looking dingy and dull.
Of course you’ll share your secret with your close friends, but let you frenemies seethe with curiosity!
How big can a chandelier be?
There are no real limits provided the structure of your building can handle the loading. Even our smallest unit will lift 200 pounds with ease, and our largest can handle half a ton! Bring us your greatest challenges, and we’ll make it work for you. Have a look at these images to give you some ideas…
The super-strong steel cables used for support completely vanish inside the ceiling when the unit is raised, leaving only the original supports visible. There is nothing to detract for its intrinsic beauty; there is nothing to betray all the wondrous technology hidden inside!
The Takeaway
If you want to have easy access for cleaning (or to change old-fashioned incandescent light bulbs) for all or your magnificent fixtures give us a call for a consultation. We’ll be more than happy to make your beautiful fixture a grand part of the 21st Century!
We are based in Houston, but service most of the state. ILD is your only “one-stop” electrical and lighting solution in the whole state of Texas. We are here to handle all of your electrical needs.
Please feel free give us a call at 713-863-1133 or toll free at 800-863-1184, so you can learn more about all of our residential electrical services. You’ll find that you are anxious to begin your journey towards the ultimate combination of beauty and safety. C’mon and say “howdy”! We’re waiting to hear from you!
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