LED recessed lighting is the newest form of home recessed lighting designs that can be used to generate multiple layers of luminance in a Houston luxury home. Upgrading to LED does represent an investment in equipment cost that the homeowner must be prepared to make. This investment carries many returns with it that makes the upgrade more than worth the front-end cost. New retrofit technology also enables our team to install lamp replacements at lower cost of full system overhaul. This, combined with lighting control systems, makes LED the best path to follow for lighting the contents of a fine custom home.
It is always important to weigh the short-term cost of new ceiling lighting equipment with the long-term gains that one will acquire through superior energy efficiency. The monthly accumulation of saved revenue is a return on investment in and of itself. Many of our clients are shocked to find out just how much money they are losing to procrastination. While it will cost more to upgrade to LED recessed lighting fixtures than it would to simply replace old halogens and fluorescents, it certainly will cost more in the long run to operate equipment that is needlessly wasting electricity that could otherwise be saved.
It is also important to realize that the amount of electricity that a light fixture uses is not the only factor in determining its cost effectiveness. The amount of heat that a light produces has a direct impact on room temperature. Because we have mostly warm weather throughout the year, excessive heat in the home causes the air conditioner to work overtime. Older equipment is less efficient at heat dissipation. It only compounds the problem of cost-effectively cooling the home. When this equipment is replaced by cooler burning LED recessed lights, however, the room is kept cooler, and the AC operates less.
Nevertheless, many clients are still a bit intimidated at times by the noticeable difference in the cost of new technology compared to older, more standard forms of lighting. Realistically, LED prices will remain consistently higher than those of halogen and fluorescent, at least in terms of the immediate future. We have to remember that part of the reason for this lies in the fact that LED recessed lighting fixtures last far longer than any other form of light. With a lamp life of over 50,000 hours, a single fixture can last well over a decade before it needs replacement. You simply cannot find any other type of light that can last that long without having to cost you more money at the end of the day to not only operate, but also replace, sooner than you would an LED.
The continued improvements in lamp design, housing design, and color rendering capabilities also make LED recessed lighting a superb choice from an interior design perspective. Lighting uniformity, and the ability of that light to bring out the subtle nuances and mystique of fine art, fine furnishings, and eclectic interior architecture, are the two most important attributes of any LED home lighting system. With fixtures now available in all sizes, wattages, and lumens output, it is possible to light every room in the home with LED.
Finally, it is important to remember as well that LED recessed lighting upgrades do not always involve the installation of completely new fixture housings and wiring. Many of the newer lamps are specifically engineered for retrofitting to existing housings already in the ceiling. As technology continues to improve, it is realistic to conclude that in most circumstances our team will be able to install LED upgrades without having to completely overhaul the entire home lighting and control system.
This, combined with other returns on investment already discussed, should clearly demonstrate to all the many benefits that can be gained by calling our office today to see what LED upgrades can do for your home lighting array. We can be reached locally at 713-863-1133 or toll free at 800-863-1184.
We look forward to assisting you with a professional LED recessed lighting plan.
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