Residents of Houston luxury homes periodically remodel their residences. An entirely new interior décor emerges with new contents, new architecture in places, and often new rooms added to the house. New lighting systems will be needed to illuminate these enhancements, and new wiring will be needed to power those lights. Houston residents considering such improvements can best serve themselves by contracting a team of Houston home remodeling contractors who specializing in wiring and lighting. This will eliminate the need to work with multiple contractors by having the same team of experts handle all of the wiring, lighting, and lighting control in a single turnkey installation.
New house wiring is always necessary when adding new rooms to homes. It is typically needed as well when home interiors are remodeled to the extent that new electrical outlets have to be installed. New electronic systems, such as plasma TV’s, home theaters, advanced stereo systems, whole house audio, and new lights to illuminate upgraded interiors require the expertise of Houston home remodeling contractors specializing in wiring and lighting.
Many of the systems mentioned above require more than new wiring to operate effectively. As much as today’s electronics are characterized by high performance features, discriminating homeowners expect even more. They want convenience that allows them to operate the most advanced systems with a simplicity surpassing that of some cable TV remotes. To accommodate this desire, Houston home remodeling contractors specializing in wiring and lighting must install advanced home lighting control systems capable of operating every system in the house with the push of a few user friendly buttons.
Along with installing the interior house wiring necessary for all of this to happen, it is also essential for ILD electrical specialists to check electrical service panels to determine if they can handle the electrical loads required by these devices. In some cases the panel may not need to be upgraded, but this must never be assumed without proper inspection by trained electricians experienced in making such determinations. In the instances where the panel must be replaced, our technicians will recommend an upgrade and install it as part of our turnkey installation services.
Houston home remodeling contractors specializing in wiring and lighting will also recommend various ways to protect the new home systems they have installed. One of the biggest threats to electronics is the possibility of power surges. These surges can theoretically result from a number of causes, but the most frequent cause is lightning. With the problematic weather patterns indigenous to the Gulf Coast, it is unwise for any homeowner to heavily invest in electronics, lighting, or home lighting control without protecting this investment with advanced surge suppressors that are graded at the commercial level of performance. Illuminations Lighting and Design has access to these suppressors and will install them in key locations to ensure your investment against catastrophic power spikes.
Houston home remodeling contractors specializing in wiring and lighting can also provide homeowners with superior power backups in the event of power outages. Natural gas generators can be permanently installed near the home to power home systems in the event of a rolling blackout, brown out, or extended period without power during hurricane season.
Call ILD now at 713-863-1133 for more information on these residential electrical contracting services and gain a greater understanding of how they can help you plan your next home remodel from the perspective of upgrading your lifestyle in addition to your dwelling.
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