Our recessed lighting design services provide full support for every aspect of your personal lifestyle. We follow the interior architecture to develop layers of ambient, task, and accent light that create an illumined interior that reflects your personality, interests, and activities. We install only the best new equipment rated at the highest levels of energy efficiency. We also repair existing equipment to keep your home lighting costs at a reasonable level of expenditure.
The key to effectively developing such a design is to truly study the interior of each room of your home. This enables us to located positions for fixtures that will illuminate the room from optimal angles of incidence. It is important to fill a room with an appropriate level of illumination without creating spots of glare or shadow. Because each room is treated with respect as a special place with its own unique requirements, lighting is intimately personal to the activities that occur within every room.
Recessed lighting design can be seen as a universal science on one level. Every room in a home can benefit from at least one layer of light that these low-profile fixtures produce. Many other places that are not technically rooms, but important areas nonetheless, can sometimes benefit even more.
Recessed fixtures are routinely used to light stairways, vestibules, foyers, and statuary on display. Fine art recessed lighting systems often include both special art lighting equipment and recessed lights.
Recessed lighting design also includes any special rooms such as trophy rooms, hobby rooms, private studies, and private gymnasiums. These areas typically need a blend of both ambient (general) lighting and task lighting. Low-voltage recessed fixtures are ideal for this task because they can produce bright light with less power.
This energy efficiency is part of the reason why we can affordably include full installation as part of our recessed lighting design services. The many ways that these lights can be positioned in the ceiling allows us to create exceptional effects for you with a less-is-more approach to the equipment itself. Older lighting equipment is always much less efficient than newer technology, so the cost of upgrades is paid back through savings that accrue every month from the point of installation.
When replacements or new fixtures are not in your best interests, we will implement full repair services for your existing equipment. If the time has not yet come for you to invest in an entirely new recessed ceiling lighting design and home lighting control system, the replacement of damaged, deteriorated, or defective equipment offers you a cost effective opportunity to have outdated lamps replaced with lamps that last longer, save you money on operating costs, and produce superior results on an aesthetic level.
Contact us today at 713-863-1133 for a free evaluation of your current home lighting system. We will find ways to save you money and to put your home, fine art, personal interests, and interior design in a better light than ever before.We invite you to see first hand some of our recessed lighting creations on one or more of our ILD company video clips. Enjoy!
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