Reduce Your Electric Bill This Year – 6 Simple Steps
It’s that time of the year again, when you start to think about how you can reduce your electric bill this year. If you’re like most people, you probably have no idea what steps to take in order to lower your electricity costs. Fortunately for you we’ve got some great tips on how to save money and keep your home cool. Follow these simple steps and see if they don’t help out with reducing your electric bill!
Step One: Understand your usage. If you know how much electricity is being consumed in your home then it’s easy to see where the problem areas are and take steps to fix them by adjusting appliances or taking other measures.
Step Two: Replace an old air conditioning unit with a new, energy-efficient one that will cool off your home without emptying your wallet. Replacing an old and ineffeicient unit with a new energy saving unit can really help with those ouston summer bills.
Step Three: Get the best insulation for your home. Insulation is a staple in any good energy saving plan and can be used to not only reduce those heating bills, but also keep cool air inside during the summer months when you’re trying to lower your electric bill!
Step Four: Turn off lights that are on or use electronics less frequently. Setting up a home automation system can help with this by turning on lights when you enter a room and shutting them off automatically.
Step Five: Get a programmable thermostat. Once you get your new energy saving unit, set up the temperature that suits your home and schedule it accordingly with a programmable thermostat. This will help to regulate the heating or cooling system so that if there is no one inside of the house during those hours, it doesn’t
Step Six: Use your stove less often, or at least boil only the water that you need to use in order to avoid wasted energy costs. A great way to make sure that your dishwasher is only running when it needs to wait until the dishwasher is full to turn it on. That way you are maximizing it’s use.
The Takeaway
Illuminations Lighting Design can help with soem of these tips by having our lighting experts and licensed electricians evaulate your home, electrical and lighting systems to see where improvements can be made.
Call us today to schedule your evaluation.
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