Everything deserves to be beautiful
Illuminations Lighting Design has been creating fabulous lighting for about four decades, so it stands to reason that we’ve learned a thing or two. Our company was founded by a Master Theater Lighting Expert and an Electrical Engineer, whose chance meeting over lunch started this whole business.
Sharing and Caring
Over the years our customers have made it a point to share the experiences they have had with all of their friends and neighbors, and we thank you for that! Personal recommendations are the very best advertising a company can receive because it comes from deep within, laden with empirical evidence, and sincerity.
If a good friend began to tell you about a new restaurant that served your favorite food, and said “this is better than what you could get in Paris! You have to go there with me for dinner!” you would probably be excited by the enthusiasm and make plans to go. You trust your friend not to lead you astray.
It works the same for anything. If a friend excitedly invites you to their home to see their remodeling job, and you love it, you’re going to ask about the people they hired to accomplish it. And this, more than anything else, is what generates our business—better than advertising, e-mails, or TV commercials.
Not Just Homes
Of course we’re well-represented in the commercial market, too, and have just as many fans there. Someone who has stunning work done in their own home may want to share that with their customers in their business. Consider what our Houston friend, Russ Worley, wrote to say
Illuminations Lighting Design greatly enhanced our home exterior gardens and landscaping with their very professional accent lighting…..They made it perfect for all to enjoy.
Thanks, Russ! We are delighted that you are so pleased because that is what makes the work truly worthwhile.
Also, as an architect, my firm has used their lighting design services on numerous residential projects (both exterior and interior) and consider them to be the best available.
We really appreciate that, Russ! It’s folks like you that keep us busy. We get to meet new people all the time, and we get to address some of the toughest and most exciting lighting challenges. And commercial spaces are often huge, providing a massive canvas on which we can create some of our best work. Go ahead, make it difficult—we love it!
Bring us your demanding work, your challenges, your impossible tasks, yearning to be lit. Send these to us, and we will lift our lamps beside the golden door!
Hmm, okay…maybe that was a bit too much, paraphrasing the Statue of Liberty, but in truth we really do love a challenge. We’re not like George Jetson, going to work each day with the responsibility to occasionally push one button. Who could live like that? Certainly not us!
The Takeaway
At home or at work, when you want to make an impression, Illuminations Lighting Design is your first choice, whether for lighting that makes people say “Wow!”, or for electrical upgrades that will keep your lights, A/C, heating, and refrigeration all running during the next major storm.
Whatever your electrical challenges, bring them to us and we will see to it that plans are executed perfectly; that your family is both thrilled with the result, and safe, when Nature chooses to move its mighty hand…
Commercial or Residential, we’ll be here for you, to help you plan for the best, and prepare for the worst!
We’re based in Houston, Texas, but in truth, ILD is the only “one-stop” destination for lighting design services, emergency power systems, engineering, landscape lighting services and installation in the whole state of Texas. And to top it off we are unrivaled by any lighting firm in the United States for lighting that is art.
Call the electrical experts you can trust at Illuminations Lighting Design. We would love to hear from you, so pick up the phone and give us a call at 713-863-1133 or toll free at 800-863-1184, so you can learn more before we begin your journey towards perfect lighting.
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