Lighting and landscaping maintenance contracts with Illuminations Lighting and Design, a Houston landscape lighting contractor, combine the personalized responsiveness of typical service contracts with atypical pay as you go fee convenience. Lighting and landscape maintenance contracts with ILD are the most affordable and efficient way to protect your investment in landscape lighting services. Rather than costing a monthly fee like other lighting and landscape maintenance contracts, our landscape lighting services only generate an invoice when we actually visit your property. You can count on personalized, routine evaluation of the state of your system and only pay 1-4 times a year depending on the size of your system and the required number of visits to ensure its operability. The convenience and cost effectiveness of lighting and landscape maintenance contracts make them a value no customer should neglect to give him or herself.
All electrical systems require routine maintenance and regular checks bring peace of mind to clients with lighting and landscape maintenance contracts. They establish assurance that a specialist will check every element of their home security lighting with sufficient frequency throughout the year to maintain optimal performance and make minor adjustments if necessary to prevent unexpected system failure. The size of your lighting system determines the frequency with which we visit your property. Smaller systems generally require only one or two visits a year to check connections, wear and tear of fixtures and wiring, and tree growth that can affect the position and operability of outside tree lights installed in branches and on the sides of trunks. Typically, we perform these checks in very early spring and right before the party season. If the assessment determines that all is well, we invoice you only for the cost of the trip and the time required to look over the system. Smaller outdoor garden lighting systems on landscape maintenance contracts may pay as little as $55.00 per visit once or twice a year. Larger systems under lighting and lighting and landscape maintenance contracts may pay $150.00-$200.00 depending on the time it takes to go through the system.
Neglecting to invest this nominal fee in frequent checks often results in missing the warning signs that normally precede system failure. Tree growth, adverse weather conditions, and human activity throughout the property can skew fixtures to throw off the angle of the lighting and also cause minor damages that become mission critical when compounded by normal wear and tear. Lighting and landscape maintenance contracts ensure that each component of the system is operating safely with minimal likelihood of electrical failure or shock. We also ensure that outdoor path lighting is covered by your lighting and landscape maintenance contract is performing per optimum standards and producing the desirable levels of lighting that we originally installed the system to deliver. We avoid double billing our landscape or indoor lighting maintenance services by rebating the onsite fee toward the cost of any repair the situation requires us to undertake. This policy ensures that a person pays only for the trip and time if there is no problem, and only for a solution to a genuine problem in the form of a timely and necessary repair. A ILD client never has to pay for both at the same time.
The unique policies and procedures that distinguish lighting and landscape maintenance contracts resulted from our systematic home lighting plans and our policy of highly personalized, aesthetic and functional lighting systems. Signing up is simple and quick. Simply contact Graham Thompson, or contact him at 713-863-1133 to get started today. We will tailor your landscape lighting and maintenance contract specific to your lighting system, and we will visit you as promised, when promised, to ensure it continues to produce the very best lighting effects possible throughout the year, for years to come.
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